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Shandong deep spring basic Education Group Jinan Xingtan senior high School


I. Overview of the school

Jinan Xingtan Senior High School(referred to as Xingtan High School)Approved and established in May 2024, it belongs to Shandong Deep Spring Basic Education Group and is fully managed and operated by it, implementing ordinary high school education。Although is the spring city ordinary high school rookie,However, the Deep Spring Foreign Language School under the Deep Spring Basic Education Group has more than five years of school experience,He has accumulated rich experience in education management,Formed a set of unique educational management mode,The scale and level of the school have been rapidly improved,It has cultivated and transported Peking University, Beitai University, Shandong University, Central Finance and Economics, China University of Mining and China University of Petroleum.A number of students from Ocean University of China, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology have also sent a number of students to the world's TOP 100 colleges and universities, and achieved impressive educational results。

Xingtan Senior High School, under the full control of Deep Spring Basic Education Group, takes "beauty in its own beauty, do the best of yourself" as the core education concept, carries out moral education with the three-year self-improvement action plan, strives to create "361" students efficient classroom, and cultivates all-round development of Chinese people through Deep Spring Eight education curriculum system。The school adheres to the high level of expert management,We will pursue diversified development with distinctive features,Set up a special class guided by the ideas of ancient sages and sages,Inspirational for the sage to continue to learn,At the same time, it also provides students with clear career planning guidance;In the process of training, it has carried out joint education with Shanghai Jiaotong University, Fudan University, Shandong University, Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qilu University of Technology, Shandong Aviation University and Shandong University of Arts and other famous domestic universities,Strive to make every child strive to be the best themselves in the apricot circle。

Ii. Main school-running characteristics and advantages

1. Deep Spring Basic Education Group is fully managed and run by high-level experts: Adhering to the deep spring education philosophy and school strategy, unified leadership, unified teaching and research activities, unified guidance;The members of the leadership team with Principal Wang Yijun as the core have educational feelings and ideals, and have high-level experience in high school governance。

2. Ancient sages wisdom guidance, set up a variety of characteristics of the classIn accordance with the thirteen disciplines formulated by the national strategic plan for talent development, the school extracts seven categories of talent training directions: science and technology, humanities, medicine, military, business, art, and sports, and names classes for ancient sages in all directions, so as to build a patriotic foundation for students with national feelings and national spirit。

3. Clear career planning guidance: Under the premise of adhering to the fundamental task of moral education and cultivating people, the school plans clear goals for students and provides personalized guidance programs through the self-developed six-dimension career planning system, so that every Xingtan student can find a fulcrum to leverage internal motivation and have a clear and beautiful future。

4. Multiple ways to study: The school provides special channels for further study such as fine arts, calligraphy, music and dance, track and field, and ball games;Develop Russian, Japanese and other small language learning;Share international resources with Deep Springs Foreign Languages,And Britain, America, Australia and Canada, Germany, Singapore, Russia, Japan, South Korea and many other countries have established cooperative relations with high schools and universities,Provide a variety of study abroad channels;It cooperates with international education colleges of Beijing Institute of Technology, Weihai Branch of HIT, Shandong Normal University, Shandong University of Finance and Economics, etc,It has expanded the channels for the study of many Sino-foreign cooperation majors。

5. The "Three-year Self-improvement Action Plan" ensures the implementation of moral education: On the basis of students' habits, the school pays attention to life encouragement education, stimulates students' inner growth motivation, and gives psychological and study guidance to help students solve the obstacles and puzzles in growth, so that the moral education work can be implemented, and provides guarantee for the smooth growth of children。

6. Build an efficient classroom for "361" students to ensure academic performance: Put an end to the teaching mode of full classroom teaching, build a smart teaching system based on students' learning, apply modern information technology and big data to support, achieve accurate teaching and personalized learning, so that students' learning can happen truly and effectively。

7. The "Deep Spring Eight education" system ensures the cultivation of well-rounded Chinese peopleThe Deep Spring Eight education system aims to cultivate the Chinese spirit and all-round quality, and cultivates all-round Chinese people through the establishment of courses and activities。

Third, Xingtan senior high School leadership

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President Wang Yijun

University culture, high school senior teacher。He used to be a middle school teacher, teaching director, principal, deputy director of the county Education Bureau, former director of Weihai Education Research Center, deputy director of Weihai Education Bureau, principal of Weihai No. 1 Middle School, President of Weihai Education Association, deputy director of Shandong High School Association, etc。He has won the titles of the first young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions in Weihai City, excellent educators in Shandong Province, and special grade teachers in Shandong Province。He served as a special expert of the Poverty Alleviation Office of the Ministry of Education and the Training Center of the National Institute of Education Sciences。

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Secretary Bei Guangyong

Presiding over the overall work。Graduate degree, associate professor。He has served as the Dean of Academic affairs, assistant to the president and deputy secretary of the university, and has professional and management experience in colleges and universities, primary and junior high schools。He has won honorary titles such as excellent Party member of Shandong Provincial University Working Committee and advanced scientific and technological worker of Huaiyin District, Jinan City。

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Mr. Wang Yue Mou

To preside over education and teaching work。University culture, high school is senior teacher。He has served as a high school teacher, director of the Academic Affairs Office, high school principal, deputy director of Weihai Education and Teaching Research Center, and principal of Weihai Comprehensive Practice and Experiment School。He has won honorary titles such as excellent Teacher of Shandong Province and National Excellent Teacher。

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Zhang Jingwen, Executive Principal

In charge of education and teaching。University culture, high school is senior teacher。He has served as the director of the No. 1 Middle School of Qihe County, Dezhou City, the director of academic affairs, the vice president, the principal of Qihe No. 3 Middle School, and the general principal of Peking University New Century Zoucheng Experimental School。He has won the honorary titles of teaching Expert of Dezhou City, young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions of Dezhou City, Excellent teacher of Shandong Province, and special grade teacher of Shandong Province。

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Vice President Wang Chang

In charge of the comprehensive Service office and student moral education。University culture, many years of experience in student management, once served as the director of Jinan Shenquan Foreign Language School, the current vice president。He has won honorary titles such as "Shandong Mechanic Education Contribution Award" and "Excellent Communist Party Member" from Shandong Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security。

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Vice President Hu Juyin

Responsible for the work of the level department。University culture, high school senior teacher。He served as the director of the department of Jinan Foreign Language School, the director of educational affairs, the leader of teaching research, and the chairman of the trade union。He has won the Jinan excellent class teacher, excellent Communist Party member, teaching expert, the first prize of the city teaching quality class, the provincial discipline excellent worker, the first prize of the national guidance teacher of innovative composition, the Ye Cup National Guidance teacher special prize and other honorary titles。

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Vice Principal Lees

Responsible for international education。Postgraduate student, University of Sydney。He used to be the director of International Education Center of Jinan Shenquan Foreign Language School and is now the vice president。He has won many honorary titles such as Outstanding Contribution Award and Outstanding Contribution Group Award。

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Vice President Zhang Chuanbing

Responsible for the work of the repeat reading department, and the director of the repeat reading department。University culture, intermediate title。He has served as the class preparation leader, grade director and assistant to the principal of Jinan Shenquan Foreign Language School, and is now the vice principal。He has won the honorary title of excellent class teacher at the city and county level, excellent class at the county level, excellent class at the city level, and high quality open class of Physics in Shandong Province。

Vice President -- Li Ping, in charge of the department work。University culture, high school senior teacher。He has served as a public high school grade director, academic director, vice principal and other positions。He has won the honorary title of excellent teacher and model of teacher's ethics in Dezhou City。

Vice Principal -- Jiang Anzhi, in charge of school physical education。University culture, high school senior teacher。He once served as the principal of the prefecture-level sports school, has many years of sports training experience, won a number of national events honors, and trained a large number of students to win the world, national and provincial and municipal honors。

Iv. Enrollment level and plan

Liberal arts direction experimental class

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2 classes, 40 students per class, a total of 80 students, requiring the admission qualification line of more than 30 points, recruit students who are interested in the future to Chinese language and literature, philosophy, history, politics, law, education and other majors as learning goals;

Science orientation lab class

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2 classes, 40 people per class, a total of 80 people, require the admission qualification line of more than 30 points, recruit interested in the future to aerospace, engineering, information, astronomy and other majors as the learning goal of outstanding students;

National defense education pilot class

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2 classes, 40 people per class, a total of 80 people, require high school entrance examination admission qualification line above, recruit interested in the future national defense military colleges, public security or cadet students, and future interested in the army, from the police outstanding students;Ideological and political and medical clearance is required before admission。

Art class

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1 class, each class of 30 students, recruit students who are interested in art, calligraphy, music, dance, flight attendant and other aspects, and are willing to make progress in this field of expertise in the future, to be admitted to the relevant professional colleges and universities。

Sports master class

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1 class, each class of 30 students, recruit students who are interested in track and field, martial arts, ball games, etc., and are willing to develop in the field of sports in the future, to be admitted to the outstanding students of relevant professional colleges and universities。

Sage wisdom guidance, Shuanggao joint education;

Career planning guidance, multiple channels to study;

Revitalize apricot altar legacy, cultivate the pillars of the country。

Welcome to Xingtan High School!

5. Consultation methods

Consultation phone: 0531-59890177 59890199

School Address: No. 1, Xueshui North Road, Yushan Street, Pingyin, Jinan City, Shandong Province
